Embracing Modern JavaScript: A Guide to Template Literals


JavaScript has seen an array of evolutionary changes over the years. One such advancement, brought by ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), is the introduction of “Template Literals.” This feature revolutionizes the way we deal with string concatenation, making our code more concise and readable.

In this post, I’ll explain what template literals are, contrast them with the traditional concatenation approach, and delve into why they are beneficial for modern development.

Traditional Concatenation: Before ES6

Before the advent of ES6, developers relied on the plus (+) operator for string concatenation. Here’s how you might concatenate a string with a variable:

Imagine you’re generating a user profile card in JavaScript which includes a name, email, and a list of user’s skills.

Traditional Concatenation using +:


const user = {
name: "John Doe",
email: "johndoe@example.com",
age: 34,
gender: "male"

var profile = '<div class="user-profile">' + 
'<h2>' + user.name + '</h2>' + 
'<p>Email: ' + user.email + '</p>' + 
'<p>Age: ' + user.age + '</p>' + 
'<p>Gender: ' + user.gender + '</p>' + 


As the structure grows more complex, managing such code becomes harder. There’s a need to manage the closing and opening of quotes, and the + for each line makes it cluttered.

introducing Template Literals

With ES6, JavaScript introduced a more elegant way to deal with string interpolation – template literals. Enclosed by backticks (`), template literals allow for embedded expressions:

const user = {
name: "John Doe",
email: "johndoe@example.com",
age: 34,
gender: "male"

const profile = `
<div class="user-profile">
<p>Email: ${user.email}</p>
<p>Age: ${user.age}</p>
<p>Gender: ${user.gender}</p>


This new syntax does not only make the code more concise but also enhances readability.

Key Features of Template Literals

1. String Interpolation: Embed variables and expressions seamlessly with ${}.

2. Multi-line Strings: No need for special characters; write multi-line strings naturally within backticks.

3. Tagged Templates: Use functions with template literals for custom string processing (an advanced feature).

Benefits: Why Use Template Literals?

1. Readability: Cleaner syntax makes it easier to understand the code at a glance.

2. Maintainability: Simpler code reduces the likelihood of errors and makes future edits more straightforward.

3. Modernization: Aligns with modern best practices and the evolution of the JavaScript language.


Template literals are a significant step forward in JavaScript’s evolution. By replacing the traditional concatenation method, they enhance code readability and maintainability.

If you’re working on a modern project or can leverage transpilation tools like Babel, embracing template literals is a wise choice. It aligns your code with modern practices, and you’ll likely find that this small syntactical change makes a big difference in your everyday coding experience.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or new to JavaScript, template literals are a tool worth adding to your programming arsenal. It’s time to make your strings cleaner and your coding life a bit easier. Embrace the power of template literals, and enjoy a more elegant way to work with strings in JavaScript!

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