Laravel firstOrCreate vs createOrFirst


Ever come across firstOrCreate() and the new createOrFirst() in Laravel and wondered what the difference is? Well, you’re not alone. Both methods seem to achieve the same goal: find a record in the database or create one if it doesn’t exist. But why two methods? Let’s break it down in easy-to-understand language.

What is a Race Condition?

Before diving into the methods, let’s talk about a term you’ll hear often: race condition. Imagine two people racing to grab the last piece of cake. Both see the cake, think it’s available, and reach for it. But only one can get it! In computer terms, this is similar to two actions happening at the same time and messing things up.

Let’s say you have a bank account with $100, and you try to withdraw $80 from two different devices at the same time. Both devices check and see $100, think it’s fine to withdraw $80, and proceed. Now, you should end up overdrawing your account, which is not good. That’s a race condition—two operations messing up because they happened at the same time.


This is the old-school method in Laravel. Here’s how it works:

  1. First, it looks for a record in the database based on your conditions.
  2. If it doesn’t find anything, it creates a new record for you.

Sounds good, but remember our race for the last piece of cake? What if two people (or in this case, two operations) try to create the same unique record at the same time? That’s when things can get messy, causing errors due to these so-called race conditions.


Enter the new kid on the block, createOrFirst(). This one flips the script:

  1. It tries to create the record first.
  2. If it can’t create because the record already exists (remember, this causes an error), then it looks for the existing record.

The beauty of this is that it lets the database handle the problem. Databases are good at maintaining order, so this method is better at preventing those pesky race conditions we talked about.

Which One to Use?

If your app doesn’t have a lot of people trying to do the same thing at the same time, firstOrCreate() is fine. But if you’re running something like an e-commerce site with tons of people making purchases or signing up at the same time, then createOrFirst() is your best bet to avoid chaos.


Both firstOrCreate() and createOrFirst() help you find or create records, but they go about it in slightly different ways. If you’re dealing with a lot of simultaneous actions and want to keep things running smoothly, createOrFirst() is the safer bet. On the other hand, firstOrCreate() is still a solid choice for simpler, less busy applications.

So, next time you find yourself puzzling over which method to use, remember the race for the last piece of cake, and you’ll know which one is right for you!



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