The Golden Rule Revised: When You’re Married, Form a Two-Handed Circle and Keep It Sacred

Relationships, especially marriages, are precious bonds that should be treasured. As the saying goes, when you’re married, create a ‘two-handed circle’ around your relationship, and don’t let anybody in. What does this metaphor mean, and why is it crucial for a happy, long-lasting marriage?

The Two-Handed Circle: A Strong Bond

Imagine a circle formed by your and your partner’s hands. This circle symbolizes the unique world that only the two of you share. It’s a special space, and you should protect it. Don’t let anyone else inside this sacred circle.

Family and Friends: Love Them, But Keep a Distance

Sure, you love your family and friends. But in your marriage, it’s your partner and you who should make the big decisions and solve problems together. The moment you let others into your circle, you risk breaking it.

Why is the Circle Sacred?

  1. Your Personal Sanctuary: Inside this circle is a safe space where you can be yourselves, discuss your dreams, and sort out your problems.

  2. Trust and Security: Keeping your marital matters between the two of you builds a sense of trust and emotional security.

Real-Life Examples Enhanced

Rahul and Priya: Circle Broken

Rahul discussed every argument and issue with his best friend, Arjun. The result? Arjun’s advice often led to more fights between Rahul and Priya. Rahul had unknowingly let someone into their two-handed circle, breaking the sacred trust and causing discord in his marriage.

Meera and Rohan: A Sacred Circle

Meera learned her lesson from a past relationship. She and Rohan decided to keep their marriage matters between them. This helped in building trust and made their family more respectful of their privacy, too.

How to Maintain the Circle?

  1. Speak to Each Other First: Any issue or decision should first be discussed within your two-handed circle.

  2. Limited External Advice: If you absolutely need external advice, consult someone who genuinely wants the best for you and respects your privacy.

  3. Seek Professional Help if Necessary: For serious issues, it’s wise to consult a relationship expert or counselor, rather than friends or family who might not give impartial advice.

Exceptions: When to Break the Circle

In cases of abuse or other serious concerns that affect your well-being, seek immediate help from trusted individuals or professionals. Your safety is of the utmost importance.

So, when you get married, remember to form that two-handed circle. Guard it closely and don’t let anyone break it. Because at the end of the day, a strong marriage is built on trust, respect, and a sense of sacred privacy. Keep your circle unbroken for a happily ever after!

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