1. Introduction to HTML
Description: HTML is like the skeleton of a website. It provides the structure, like how walls and floors define rooms in a house.
Example: When you see a headline on a website, it’s likely marked up in HTML as <h1>Headline</h1>.

2. Setting Up Your Workspace
Description: Before you build something, you need the right tools. In web development, these tools are text editors where you write code.
Example: Think of it as choosing between different brands of notebooks to write a story. Some people prefer Notepad++, others might choose Visual Studio Code.

3. Basic Document Structure
Description: Every HTML document has a basic framework, like how every story might have a beginning, middle, and end.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Story Title</title>
    The beginning of the story...

4. Commonly Used HTML Tags
Description: Tags are like labels that define different parts of a webpage.

  • Headings and Paragraphs: Like chapter titles and the content in a book.
  • Links: A way to jump from one page to another.
  • Lists: Bullet points or numbered items.
  • Images: Pictures on the page.
  • Bold and Italic Text: Ways to emphasize words.
    • Example:
      <h1>Chapter Title</h1>
      <p>This is some content about the chapter.</p>
      <a href="next-chapter.html">Go to the next chapter</a>

5. Forms and Input
Description: Forms are like questionnaires. They can have text boxes, checkboxes, and buttons to submit your answers.

<form action="submit-survey.html" method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

6. Tables
Description: Tables in HTML are like grids or charts you use to organize data into rows and columns.

<table border="1">

7. Adding Styles and Scripts
Description: If HTML is the skeleton of a website, then CSS (styles) is the clothing, and JavaScript (scripts) makes it move or interact.

<p style="color:blue;">This text is blue because of the style.</p>
    alert("This popup is because of the script.");

8. Best Practices
Description: To make sure websites work well and are understood by all web browsers, there are recommended ways of writing HTML.

  • Meta Tags: These provide info about the webpage, like its character set or how it should appear on mobile.
  • Semantic HTML: This means using specific tags that describe their content’s meaning. It’s like choosing specific containers for storage: you’d use a bookshelf for books and a wardrobe for clothes, not vice versa.
    • Example:
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <article>This is an article, and its content is important.</article>
      <aside>This is a side note, related but not central to the main content.</aside>

9. Conclusion and Next Steps
Description: After understanding the basics of HTML, it’s time to explore how to beautify (using CSS) and add interactivity (using JavaScript) to your websites.

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